My 2019 Bookshelf (in Review)

2019 Books

Before forging ahead into 2020, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past year and, more specifically, all of the great books I read in 2019.

I’d recommend almost everything that hit my bookshelf last year, but most notably, The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin – a delightfully fresh and creative fantasy trilogy. The first book, The Fifth Season, ranks as my favorite read of the year. Jemisin’s bold approach to narrative, provocative themes, and amazing world building kept me turning pages deep into the night and my attention didn’t waver throughout the three volume set. Each book of the trilogy won the Hugo Award, individually, giving Jemisin the honor for three consecutive years. Continue reading “My 2019 Bookshelf (in Review)”

Remember: the Incomparable Prince

Two years ago today, Prince died.

We all die. This inevitable fact gives our lives meaning and urgency, initiates despair and depression, inspires art, appreciation of beauty, and reverent contemplation. The looming threat of death can inspire greatness and can breed anger, fear, and violence. Whether we embrace our end or fight it, ignore the inevitable or stare it in the face, we can’t avoid death. It will be the conclusion for all of us. Continue reading “Remember: the Incomparable Prince”

Listen: To (Anything and Everything by) Janelle Monáe

I’m a middle-aged white guy living in the suburbs of Seattle, so my late arrival to this particular party should surprise no one. I surely won’t be the last through the door, so to save any of you that embarrassment, I encourage you to explore the amazing talent that is Janelle Monáe. Continue reading “Listen: To (Anything and Everything by) Janelle Monáe”

For Writers: Kelly Robson’s Luke vs Han

For those of you who write, tell stories, or take an interest in the process, I highly recommend an article that appeared in the January issue of Clarkesworld magazine:

Luke vs Han: An Approach to Characterization by Kelly Robson

Although it’s a couple months old, I’ve referenced this article in multiple conversations over the last few weeks so I thought I’d share it here as well. Continue reading “For Writers: Kelly Robson’s Luke vs Han”

Recommended: The Rescue of the Renegat

The Rescue of the Renegat

The Rescue of the Renegat, a novella by Kristine Kathryn Rusch  from the latest issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, is a super fun read! Flawed characters race against time in a deep space adventure with just enough mystery to keep the pages flipping.

You can check out an excerpt by clicking here, but will need to purchase the magazine to read the story in its entirety.

Both the magazine as a whole and this piece in particular are Highly Recommended.

Happy New Year Everyone!